
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIEI) Banjarmasin offers several programs, namely:
1.       S2 (MM) Program : 72 SKS
2.       S1 Management Program : 144 SKS
3.       S1 Accounting Program : 144 SKS
4.       D3 Accounting Program : 110 SKS
Every program in STIE Indonesia has been accredited with B ranking, except for S2 MM which has been ranked with C. Fortunately, reaccreditation, especially for S2 MM program, will take place soon in the upcoming months. The accreditation process for the institution itself has been arranged and was submitted to BAN PT Jakarta on 31 December 2014. As an institution, STIE Indonesia Banjarmasin is qualified for the accreditation and now still waiting for the visit from Assessor Team for the institution visitation.
In line with our slogan “The Real Campus”, all of the lecturing have been designed to meet the demand of the labor market. We already graduated 6.121 students (until academic year 2010/2011), including 32 students of MM (S2) program at the first graduation ceremony, 5.810 students of S1 program at the 24th graduation, and 279 students of Associate Degree of Accounting Program at the 16th graduation. Alumni from STIEI Kayu Tangi have been well received in all sectors and fields, starting from government institution, private organization, as well as private business since we always prioritize philosophy, professionalism, and reliability.
Up to now, at the age of 40 (Dies Natalis and Graduation ceremony on 1 April 2014), the graduated students already reached the number of 6.827, consisting of 271 MM program students, 6.268 (S1) Management and Accounting program students, as well as 289 students of Associate Degree of Accounting Program.

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STIE Kayutangi

Jl. Brigjend H. Hasan Basry No. 9-11
Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan

Tel     : (0511) 3304652
Fax     : (0511) 3305238
email : it@stiei-kayutangi-bjm.ac.id

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